Avinguda del Primat Reig, 94, 46010 Valencia, Spain
If you are searching for a place to move into in the city of Valencia near several universities, then this property - complete with an awesome balcony - could be exactly what you were looking for! This apartment has three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The available bedroom has a simple, yet cosy atmosphere and the kitchen comes with all the appliances you may need to cook your daily meals. The living room is really comfortable, featuring a great amount of natural light and a laid-back, inviting feel. You'll be right next to Universidad de Valencia and Benimaclet metro station, so the location is ideal!
Rental period for this listing is between 3 - 24 months
Tipo de propiedad Apartamento
Ciudad: Valencia
Dormitorios 3
Baños 1
Precio: 275 €
Disponible desde 2025-07-01
Ascensor: Sí
Balcón: Sí