Larmario, Calle Virgen de Luján, 25, 41011 Seville, Spain
If you are going to come to Seville to work in your studies together with some friends and want to live in a very comfortable area of the city? This apartment in the neighborhood of Los Remedios could be just what you need for your student life. There are a lot of transport stops nearby, as well as commerce, restaurants, cafes and green areas and the main campus of the University of Seville is not too far either. The apartment has four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen that comes equipped with everything you need for your kitchen adventures, a bathroom and a toilet. All the rooms feel very cozy and pleasant for any student. The living room is spacious and very relaxing.
Rental period for this listing is between 3 - 24 months
Tipo de propiedad Apartamento
Ciudad: Seville
Dormitorios 4
Baños 1
Precio: 1400 €
Disponible desde 2025-07-01