118 Results
Single bedroom near Universidad Internacional Valenciana (VIU)
275 € / month
Carrer de Concha Espina, 22, 46021 Valencia, Spain
5 rooms
Single bedroom in a 5-bedroom flat in Algirós
300 € / month
Very good single bedroom near the Amistat-Casa de Salud metro
Carrer del Doctor Vicente Pallarés, 26, 46021 Valencia, Spain
Very comfy single bedroom in L'Amistat
305 € / month
Carrer de la República Argentina, 46021 Valencia, Spain
3 rooms
Charming single bedroom near the Universitat Pública Politècnica de Valencia
325 € / month
Comfy double bedroom in L'Amistat
350 € / month
Coy Coy tintas, tóner, impresoras e informática, Carrer dels Sants Just i Pastor, 17, 46021 Valencia, Spain
8 rooms
Homley double bedroom in a student flat, in L'Amistat
Charming double bedroom in Algirós
Neat and cosy single bedroom near the Tarongers campus of Universitat de València
Carrer de Beatriz Tortosa, 37, 46021 Valencia, Spain
Sunny double bedroom in L'Amistat
Homely double bedroom near the Amistat-Casa de Salut metro
365 € / month
Double bedroom in 9-bedroom apartment
Oficina de Correos, Carrer del Poeta Mas i Ros, 20, 46021 Valencia, Spain
Comfy Single Bed Bedroom close to Universitat Politècnica de València
375 € / month
Carrer del Doctor Manuel Candela, 77, 46021 Valencia, Spain
Bright Single Bed Bedroom close to Facultat de Magisteri
Cosy Single Bed Bedroom close to the Universitat de València
Snug double bedroom in a student flat, in L'Amistat
Carrer de l'Amistat, 3, 46021 Valencia, Spain
4 rooms
Restful double bedroom in L'Amistat
Welcoming double bedroom near the Amistat-Casa de Salut metro
Exquisite double bedroom in L'Amistat
Snug double bedroom in student-popular L'Amistat
Inviting double bedroom in L'Amistat