Resultados 228
Nice bedroom
370 € / mes
Calle del Príncipe de Vergara, 60, 28006 Madrid, Spain
6 hab.
Single bedroom in a 4-bedroom flat, in central Chueca-Justicia
400 € / mes
Calle de Hortaleza, 54, 28004 Madrid, Spain
4 hab.
Bright single bedroom in Moratalaz
340 € / mes
Calle del Arroyo Fontarrón, 107, 28030 Madrid, Spain
Single bedroom
350 € / mes
Calle de la Encomienda de Palacios, 136, 28030 Madrid, Spain
Classy single bedroom in student-popular Arapiles
Keyaan's, Calle de Blasco de Garay, 10, 28015 Madrid, Spain
9 hab.
Very cosy single bedroom in Vicálvaro
399 € / mes
Calle de Mercurio, 69I, 28032 Madrid, Spain
3 hab.
Single bedroom close to Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Calle Antonio Gómez Galiana, 9, 28039 Madrid, Spain
Double bedroom in 3-bedroom apartment
Calle de Valderribas, 51, 28007 Madrid, Spain
5 hab.
Charismatic single bedroom in the Latina district
Calle del Ánsar, 57, 28047 Madrid, Spain
Single bedroom in a 3-bedroom apartment near the Lucero metro station
Calle de Enrique Borrás, 28011 Madrid, Spain
Cheerful single bedroom close to Chueca metro station
390 € / mes
Wok Fresh, Calle de Hortaleza, 28004 Madrid, Spain
Very cosy single bedroom in Villaverde Bajo
360 € / mes
Calle de Santa Florencia, 28021 Madrid, Spain
Very nice double bedroom near Parque de Pradolongo
Calle de Fermín Donaire, 28026 Madrid, Spain
Alluring single bedroom near the Villaverde Alto metro
320 € / mes
Calle de los Cacereños, 33, 28021 Madrid, Spain
Lovely single ensuite bedroom near Puerta del Ángel metro station
Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Francisco de Goya, Calle de Antillón, 23, 28011 Madrid, Spain
7 hab.
Single room with limited access to the kitchen
375 € / mes
Calle Hermenegildo Bielsa, 3, 28026 Madrid, Spain
Single bedroom in 6-bedroom apartment
Guillén Hnos, Calle del General Ricardos, 28025 Madrid, Spain
Double bedroom
380 € / mes
Calle del Maíz, 28026 Madrid, Spain
Charismatic single bedroom near the Opañel metro
Calle Viseo, 28025 Madrid, Spain
Cool single bedroom in Los Cármenes neighborhood
Calle Viñegra, 5, 28047 Madrid, Spain
Cool double bedroom in well-connected Trafalgar neighbourhood
Calle de Sagasta, 21, 28071 Madrid, Spain
8 hab.